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Advent 2023: I Thank God for One More Day!! by Judge Clayton Aarons


“Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously

will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not

reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”

2 Corinthians 9


December 19, 2023

We must prepare for the birth of the truth and the light. War in the Holy land is upon us once again.

Truth is fleeting in every aspect of our lives in America & the World. Millions continue to be hunted

by needless deaths in a post global pandemic and the hatred amongst mankind. Lives continue to be

devastated by government action and inaction. Thousands of lives continue to be lost to gun

violence. Lord, the list goes on beyond our comprehension. Surely, the end must be near!

But we serve a magnificent God who hears our prayers. Truly our cup runneth over!! I look forward

to Advent and to the signs of the times. They are a welcome distraction from this World! The falling

leaves. The change in colors. Decrease in temperatures and the frost. The fresh smell of the air. The

sounds of the seasons will rise like a crescendo. This Christmas Song, raising our spirits up higher as

we praise God in all his glory for the many blessings that we have received throughout this and

many years.

Just think of the many things you take for granted every day! But for the grace of God would we

even be around to enjoy them? He wakes us up. Sends us on the way and safely returns us at the end

of the day. Throughout we are clothed in your right mind! Praise God!! Surely that alone must

compel us to be cheerful givers in the spirit that our Lord has given to us!

 Judge Clayton Aarons



Prayer: I pray that this world shall restore itself to peace and love. Rejoice and Thank God for

One More Day!!


Advent Guide 2023

As we stand in expectation of peace on Earth and reflect on the events of our times and the lives of our brothers, sisters and siblings in Christ, we await change and new birth.

We seek, listen and perceive the presence of God in words of Hope, Peace, Joy and Love.

We invite you to join us in meditation, reflection, prayer and spiritual disciplines throughout the season of Advent and beyond.

Read along with us each day or download the book to read and reflect along with us offline.




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