"Then he said to Jesus, 'Lord, remember me when You come into Your kingdom.' And Jesus said
to him, 'Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise.'”
Luke 23:42-43 NKJV
December 20, 2023
This is the time of year when the proverbial question is asked of many, “What do you want for
Christmas?” Some people have a ready-made list of items that they want to receive. I am one of
those individuals who struggles to give my family ideas on what to give me. A list is always
demanded and it takes a lot of meditation and website viewing to come up with something I
really want.
In scriptures that precede Luke 23: 42-43, one of the thieves being crucified with Jesus rebuffs
the other thief for questioning Jesus’ identity and why he wasn’t saving himself and them. It can
be inferred from the rebuff that this thief knew who Jesus was and had reverence for this
innocent victim of Roman persecution. His “Christmas wish” was “Remember me.” Jesus
granted that thief his wish and insured he would receive paradise. What a gift!
As you put your Christmas list together this season, consider adding “Remember me” to your
list. Paradise could be yours.
Brother Wade Dugger
Steward Emeritus
Prayer: Almighty God, grant us Your paradise this Advent season.
Advent Guide 2023
As we stand in expectation of peace on Earth and reflect on the events of our times and the lives of our brothers, sisters and siblings in Christ, we await change and new birth.
We seek, listen and perceive the presence of God in words of Hope, Peace, Joy and Love.
We invite you to join us in meditation, reflection, prayer and spiritual disciplines throughout the season of Advent and beyond.
Read along with us each day or download the book to read and reflect along with us offline.