Building Usage Agreement
The Full Story
Thank you for your interest in hosting an event at Metropolitan AME Church. We are here to assist you in making your event a success! Please read the application instructions carefully before completing the form. For any questions during your planning process, please contact Ms. Lucille Knowles, our operations manager by email at lucille.knowles@metropolitanamec.org or by telephone at ...
Applicant Instructions:
1. Complete the application fully, initialing where indicated.
2. After submission, your application will be reviewed. You will receive either an approval with projected costs (including a security deposit) within 5 days or a disapproval with an explanation. Please verify the costs for any errors in time, date, or space requests, and contact the Operations Manager with questions.
3. Upon accepting the projected costs, email the signed contract to the office by the deadline specified on the Cost Sheet. Receipt of the (1) Projected Costs Approval and (2) Security Deposit will reserve your event on our calendar. Reservations are not guaranteed until both items are received.
4. A signed contract will be returned to you within 10 days of receiving the Projected Costs Approval and Security Deposit.
5. You must obtain event insurance and provide proof at least 30 days prior to your event. If serving food, use a caterer from our preferred list or provide DC business licenses and liability insurance for your caterer. Contact the Operations Manager for details.
6. Final payment is due one week before the event. Failure to pay may result in cancellation of the contract and event. Payments can be made by check or through the Metropolitan AME Church REALM Account at onrealm.org; select "Building Use" for your payment.
Thank you again for considering Metropolitan AME for your event!