"Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad? I will put my hope in God! I will praise him again—my Savior and my God!”
-Psalm 42:11
19th Day of Advent
December 16, 2021
Putting Our Hope In God
Too many of us have become discouraged by illness, death, violence, homelessness, and our seemingly inability to make a difference in the problems of society. We have seen too many family members and friends suffering from illnesses and dying “too soon.”
Being out of the sanctuary has led some to stop praising God as we question “why.” Let’s reverse the question to “why not.” God has brought us this far. He did not promise us a life void of pain, loss, misfortunes, and unfulfilled dreams.
During Advent, we stop to focus on the Advent themes: hope, peace, love, and joy. If we can remain focused on these themes, we can shut out some of the depression, noise, hatred, and unhappiness around us. Each day, we should seek avenues through which we can spread love and joy in small and larger ways. We should use our talents and resources to make them actionable.
Lord, help us to put our hope in you. Help us to drown out some of the societal ills by engaging in activities that will enrich, not just our lives, but the lives of others around us. Help us to use this period of waiting to strengthen our lives so we will praise you, our Savior and God.
Sister Elsie Scott
Steward Emeritus
Advent 2021
Join us in a time of reflection, expectation, and contemplation during the season of Advent 2021.
Each day a new reflection with a scripture and prayer will be posted on the Metropolitan AME Church website and social media to encourage you to hear the words of those reflecting, anticipating, and contemplating with you in community as we thank God for what God has done, notice what God is actively doing and anticipate what God will do next.
Read along with us each day or download the book to read and write along with us offline.