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Advent 2022: The Voice of God by Judith Watkins


Mary responded, “I am the Lord’s servant. May everything you have said about me come true.”

- Luke 1:38 NLT

Advent Day 18
December 14, 2022

The Voice of God

My father taught me to drive when I was sixteen years old. I was truly excited because it meant I could run errands for my mother and grandmother. Even though it was many years ago, each time I get in my car I still hear my father’s voice saying, “what is the speed limit,” “you are tailgating” and “take your foot off the brake.”

Just as I hear my father’s voice, God speaks to us also. We hear God’s voice, but many times we do not follow it. We think our plan is better than his and proceed with it. In the Bible, there are stories about people who did not listen to God, e.g., Adam, Abraham, Sarah, Solomon, and others.

God will accomplish his plan for your life without your cooperation and when the task is accomplished it will be so spectacular that you will know it is God. Mary heard the voice of God from an angel and responded with the above scripture. This Advent season I suggest we follow the example of Mary and listen to the voice of God.

Sister Judith Watkins

Prayer: Dear God, Draw me nearer Precious Lord to your voice by prayer, meditation and obedience. Amen.


Advent 2022

We invite you to join us during the Advent season as we reflect on the virtues of Hope, Joy, Peace, and Love; as we anticipate Christ's birth; and prepare our hearts to receive him.

Each day a new reflection with a scripture and prayer will be posted on the Metropolitan AME Church website and social media to encourage you as we prepare.

Read along with us each day or download the book to read and reflect along with us offline.



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