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Advent 2023: "Isn't That Good News?" by Bro. Jonathan E. Botts


"He is the image of the invisible God. For in him all things in heaven and on earth were created,

things visible and invisible..."

Colossians 1: 15-16 NRSVUE

Twelfth Day After Christmas

According to the American Museum of Natural History “every atom of oxygen in our lungs, of

carbon in our muscles, of calcium in our bones, of iron in our blood was created inside a star

before Earth was born.” The Australian Geographic adds that “about 86 percent of our mass is

stardust.” In this new age of genealogical research, we all share one common source, and we

need only look up on a clear night to commune with them.

Yet, the maestro of all things, in timeless sequence, brought about a Son, to save us, in a way,

from the cold distance between the divine and the mortal. The Magi set about on a path,

following our cosmic ancestor through the desert, representing the closure of that distance.

Today, we understandably lament the chaos of our existence—the fallibility of the flesh. But in

so doing, may we not forget, that this flesh, woven from the stars, was seen as precious enough

to envelop the Christ whose birth we anticipate now. In that fact, we are given a spiritual North

Star and we are saved.

Brother Jonathan E. Botts

Young Adult Church School Class


Prayer: Great Spirit, be a conduit between all your creation near and far. Heal us where we

rupture and guide us where darkness blinds us. Remind us of your good news that our chaos is

and has always been in your care. Amen.


Advent Guide 2023

As we stand in expectation of peace on Earth and reflect on the events of our times and the lives of our brothers, sisters and siblings in Christ, we await change and new birth.

We seek, listen and perceive the presence of God in words of Hope, Peace, Joy and Love.

We invite you to join us in meditation, reflection, prayer and spiritual disciplines throughout the season of Advent and beyond.

Read along with us each day or download the book to read and reflect along with us offline.




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