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Faith in Action 2021: An Interfaith Perspective Lenten Study with Washington National Cathedral

Evan Taylor

These sessions were conducted Wednesday evenings during the Lenten season 2021. The archive below includes all five sessions and can be watched on-demand.

Social Justice in the Hebrew Scriptures (Feb. 24, 2021)

Led by: Rabbi Sunny Schnitzer of Bethesda Jewish Congregation, Bethesda, MD.

Facilitated by: Martin Dickinson of Washington National Cathedral

Social Justice in the New Testament (Mar. 3, 2021)

Led by: Rev. Canon Leonard L. Hamlin, Sr., Washington National Cathedral

Facilitated by: Celeste Bryant, Metropolitan AME Church

The Work of the Spirit: Radical Reframing Luke 4:16-21 (Mar. 10, 2021)

Led by: Rev. William H. Lamar IV, Pastor of Metropolitan AME Church

Facilitated by: Celeste Bryant, Metropolitan AME Church

Migrant Justice on the U.S. - Mexico Border (Mar. 17, 2021)

Led by: Rev. David Ulloa Chavez, Missioner for Border Ministries, Episcopal Diocese of Arizona

Facilitated by: Martin Dickinson of Washington National Cathedral

Churches Cracked Open: Dismantling Racism at the Heart of the Church (Mar. 24, 2021)

Led by: Rev. Canon Stephanie Sellers, Canon for Evangelism, Reconciliation & Creation, The Episcopal Church

Facilitated by: Celeste Bryant, Metropolitan AME Church



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