These sessions were conducted Wednesday evenings during the Lenten season 2021. The archive below includes all five sessions and can be watched on-demand.
Social Justice in the Hebrew Scriptures (Feb. 24, 2021)
Led by: Rabbi Sunny Schnitzer of Bethesda Jewish Congregation, Bethesda, MD.
Facilitated by: Martin Dickinson of Washington National Cathedral
Social Justice in the New Testament (Mar. 3, 2021)
Led by: Rev. Canon Leonard L. Hamlin, Sr., Washington National Cathedral
Facilitated by: Celeste Bryant, Metropolitan AME Church
The Work of the Spirit: Radical Reframing Luke 4:16-21 (Mar. 10, 2021)
Led by: Rev. William H. Lamar IV, Pastor of Metropolitan AME Church
Facilitated by: Celeste Bryant, Metropolitan AME Church
Migrant Justice on the U.S. - Mexico Border (Mar. 17, 2021)
Led by: Rev. David Ulloa Chavez, Missioner for Border Ministries, Episcopal Diocese of Arizona
Facilitated by: Martin Dickinson of Washington National Cathedral
Churches Cracked Open: Dismantling Racism at the Heart of the Church (Mar. 24, 2021)
Led by: Rev. Canon Stephanie Sellers, Canon for Evangelism, Reconciliation & Creation, The Episcopal Church
Facilitated by: Celeste Bryant, Metropolitan AME Church