“He was oppressed and afflicted, yet He did not open His mouth. He was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is silent, so He did not open His mouth"
-Isaiah 53:7
March 14, 2021
Silence of the Lamb
During Advent, I found myself pondering God’s presence in all that we witnessed during 2020 and concluded that his silence was forcing us to recall the true meaning of the season. Now in this season of Lent, as the world has not significantly progressed, we reflect again upon Christ’s assassination. As I read the scriptures, the silence of Christ during his trial stuck with me. There was plenty that could have been said in his defense but he remained silent, and why?
I believe that in his silence Jesus did exactly what he teaches us: draw closer to God and take time to listen and be present with God. His silence was preparation for the time in the tomb that ultimately led to victory and proving to the world that he was the son of God. In his silence, we learn that we do not suffer alone; we have the assurance that he knows and he cares.
During this season, I encourage you to embrace silence to draw from him and simply rest in his presence.
Prayer: Sweet Jesus, in your silence we now have an inward place where we can draw nearer to your presence. All glory to your name. Amen.
Steward Greta L. Kendrick
Senior Board of Stewards
Lent 2021
The members and friends of Metropolitan African Methodist Episcopal Church
have written their devotions and reflections on the impact of the season of Lent
in their lives. Each testimony in the booklet is a personal reflection of their experiences.
We welcome you on this journey with us as we discuss our sacrifices and hope
that some aspect of the scripture, reflections, or prayers will inspire you as you
experience the season.
Read along with us each day or download the book to read along with us offline. May God bless and keep you throughout this season of reflection.