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Evan Taylor

Lent 2021: Unity by Celeste M. Bryant-McMiller


“I appeal to you, brothers and sisters, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another in what you say and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly united in mind and thought.”

-1 Corinthians 1:10


March 11, 2021


For four years I have battled rage. Through Pastor’s study, worship, friendship and family, I have channeled it. I derive momentary comfort by screaming and ranting at the square box in the middle of the family room, squeezing my phone as I read a newspaper, tweeting, texting, emailing, sending memes to ease the ridiculousness, and sharing my agenda for the world to anyone who dares listen.

Unity. Joe Biden calls for it. Perhaps as “leader of the free world” commands it. What does God say about unifying with forces that have sought to oppress, denounce and kill values, beliefs hope, faith and people? All that I find to be just and holy in this world is in peril. Unite? Commonground? As I/we, find a channel for “holy rage,” I have united with others who are like-minded; compelled to act not just wallow.

In a bid to create a peaceful world I cry out for divine guidance. My hands and heart are open to shift to the next level where I reach those who would subjugate me. I seek accountability for their evil, but I will try to rise to the challenge of creating peace and unity. God, help me, because for now I won’t whistle while I work.

Prayer: My God, quell the forces of division that rest in our hearts as we seek to create the world you envision, of love and justice for all.

Sister Celeste M. Bryant-McMiller

Washington Interfaith Network


Lent 2021

The members and friends of Metropolitan African Methodist Episcopal Church

have written their devotions and reflections on the impact of the season of Lent

in their lives. Each testimony in the booklet is a personal reflection of their experiences.

We welcome you on this journey with us as we discuss our sacrifices and hope

that some aspect of the scripture, reflections, or prayers will inspire you as you

experience the season.

Read along with us each day or download the book to read along with us offline. May God bless and keep you throughout this season of reflection.



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