April 10, 2022
O'er All the Way
1 O'er all the way green palms and blossoms gay Are strewn this day in festive preparation, Where Jesus comes, to wipe our tears away, E'en now the throng to welcome Him prepare.
Refrain: Join all and sing His name declare, Let ev'ry voice resound with acclamation, Hosanna! Praised be the Lord! Bless Him, who cometh to bring us salvation!
2 His word goes forth, and people by its might Once more their freedom gain from degradation, Humanity doth give to each his right, While those in darkness find restored the light. [Refrain]
3 Sing and rejoice, O blest Jerusalem, Of all thy sons sing the emancipation, Thro’ boundless love, the Christ of Bethlehem Brings faith the hope to thee forevermore. [Refrain]
Lent 2022
We invite you to join us on a 40-day journey of prayer, financial sacrifice, physical activity, and spiritual connection.
Each day a new reflection with a scripture and prayer will be posted on the Metropolitan AME Church website and social media to encourage you as we prepare for Resurrection join us as we are reminded, awakened to the great power of God within us, and connect to our role in building with God a world of justice.
Read along with us each day or download the book to read and write along with us offline.