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Lent 2022: Wading in the Waters by Joan Oxendine


“And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.”

-Philippians 2:8


March 24, 2022

Wading in the Waters

Recently I listened to Rev. Lamar’s sermon on “Water.” It made me think of when I was 12 years old and baptized at Welcome Baptist Church in Beckley, WV. I made a commitment to God that I would follow his ways and I have maintained that commitment. It has been a long and hard road. I have fallen off the path at times, but I hopped back on and prayed for forgiveness.

As we celebrate Lent, let us look at baptism and what it really means. We are washing away our sins and putting on a new life. In that life we mimic the one who was baptized in the Jordan River, not to wash away his sin, but to wash away our sins. Christ laid down his life so that we could be free of sin.

We live in a world where poverty is overwhelming, yet the country is one of the wealthiest on earth. Let’s not worry about fasting or denying ourselves certain food, but focus on feeding the hungry, clothing the naked and visiting the prisoners. Let us worship the Lord with our hands as we celebrate his second coming.


Father, forgive us for our weaknesses and lift us up to be your champions. Amen

Joan Oxendine

Steward Emeritus

Women's Missionary Society


Lent 2022

We invite you to join us on a 40-day journey of prayer, financial sacrifice, physical activity, and spiritual connection.

Each day a new reflection with a scripture and prayer will be posted on the Metropolitan AME Church website and social media to encourage you as we prepare for Resurrection join us as we are reminded, awakened to the great power of God within us, and connect to our role in building with God a world of justice.

Read along with us each day or download the book to read and write along with us offline.



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