“In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
John 16:33
March 1, 2024
God is My Refuge and My Salvation
I have often pondered on the cover God provides in times of strife and despair. I have experienced many difficulties in my life and have questioned if God has really been there for me or why was I put in such a position of suffering, sorrow or doubt.
Those moments have been with me since childhood. Now as I have entered my seventies, I reflect on God's sacrifice and protection and I ask how could I question Him. Hasn't he always been the faithful one to me? Has my sacrifice matched his love and guidance, his care and his provisions for me? Have I ever been hungry, homeless, without needs or wants met?
God has always been the rock to stand on, the rope to hold on to, the map to steady my course, but have I sacrificed enough for HIM? Do I have the right to ask “why?” I have found through my faith, that HE is there and has always led me to safe harbor. I have learned to trust and BELIEVE without question that ALL that I have endured and have yet to experience is HIS doing to keep me close, humble, and mindful of HIS sacrifice for me. Without question or hesitation, HE gave HIS all; so should I.
Sister Deborah Bassard-Jones
Prayer: Heavenly Parent, thank you for resolving my unbelief. When my human frailty succumbs to doubt and question, I look to you once again. Amen.
Lent 2024
We invite you to join us in reflection, meditation and prayer for a season of renewal, repentance and rejoicing from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday.
Each day is a reflection representing the thoughts and aspirations of the members and friends of Metropolitan African Methodist Episcopal Church expressing what the season of Lent means to them. Their wide range of perspectives describe how this time of renewal, repentance and rejoicing has been and will be used to focus on Jesus’ life, crucifixion and resurrection.
Read along with us each day or download the book to read and write along with us offline.