“But whenever you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees in secret will reward you.”
Matthew 6: 6
March 11, 2024
Hear My Prayer, O Lord
Lord, during this season of Lent, allow my focus to be directed towards you more than ever before. In a world of distractions, I need to silence the noise. In a world that exudes hate, I need to sit in the stillness of your love.
During this time, I pray that I am more in tune with your voice than ever before. Please allow me to be consumed in your word, read books that stimulate my theological imagination, and be in community with those that help to sharpen me to be a version of your image. During this time, Lord, allow me to be more sensitized to the needs of others rather than overconsumed in my own selfish ambitions. Give me the determination to cleanse myself, holistically, so that I am positioning myself to live longer to live out the purpose you have called me to.
Send persons to my life that will pour directly into me spiritually and not extract from me mentally. Allow those conversations to challenge me to not remain in a stature of comfort or complacency in my life. Thank you for the unwavering affection that you show me daily. Lord, thank you for the ability to reset and reprioritize who and what is important along this journey of life. May the end of this Lenten season produce an empty vessel that yearns more for your presence each day. In the Name of Jesus, we pray, Amen.
Reverend Thomas A. Brackeen, Jr.
Minister to Families and Youth
Prayer: Lord, thank you for hearing my heart. Amen
Lent 2024
We invite you to join us in reflection, meditation and prayer for a season of renewal, repentance and rejoicing from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday.
Each day is a reflection representing the thoughts and aspirations of the members and friends of Metropolitan African Methodist Episcopal Church expressing what the season of Lent means to them. Their wide range of perspectives describe how this time of renewal, repentance and rejoicing has been and will be used to focus on Jesus’ life, crucifixion and resurrection.
Read along with us each day or download the book to read and write along with us offline.