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Lent 2024: Let Your Light Shine by Monta Jones Taylor

Evan Taylor


"Let your light shine before men, that they may see your fine works and give glory to your Father who is in the heaven." 

Matthew 5:16


February 18, 2024

Let Your Light Shine

In December, we took stock of ourselves remembering that God so loved the world that he gave his son so that we could have everlasting life.  We also gave gifts to ourselves, to friends, co-workers, strangers, the needy and others.  But how serious were these gifts?  How costly?  Jesus dedicated his life to showing us the way and dying for our sins so that we can have everlasting life. 

During the Lenten season, we take inventory of a pledge to follow Jesus, being more Christ-like and letting his light shine through us.  Must Jesus bear the cross alone and all the world go free?  No, there is a cross for everyone and there is a cross for me.  This cross we bear daily, if we want to be like Him and let our lights shine for him.

During this season of Lent let us respond to these obstacles that hinder our way to everlasting life by giving love where there is hate, by giving joy where there is sorrow, educate where there is ignorance, provide food for the hungry, give hope where there is despair, water where there is thirst, light where there is darkness, smiles where there are frowns and model forgiveness for those who don’t know how.   

Let us follow the example Jesus demonstrated in his brief time with us and respond to His request to let our light shine.  This little light of mine, I’m going to let it shine!   

                                                                Deaconess Monta Jones Taylor

*Published Posthumously

**Lent 2014


Prayer:  Heavenly Father, we pray that Thy word will be a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path.  Amen


Lent 2024

We invite you to join us in reflection, meditation and prayer for a season of renewal, repentance and rejoicing from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday.

Each day is a reflection representing the thoughts and aspirations of the members and friends of Metropolitan African Methodist Episcopal Church expressing what the season of Lent means to them.  Their wide range of perspectives describe how this time of renewal, repentance and rejoicing has been and will be used to focus on Jesus’ life, crucifixion and resurrection.

Read along with us each day or download the book to read and write along with us offline.




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