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Metropolitan Newsletter - Week of August 13, 2021

Evan Taylor

Greetings Metropolitan family and friends. May God’s love embrace you as we continue to worship, liberate and serve.

We look forward to your presence in the Cafe Met on Saturday at 11 am on Facebook and in Worship on Sunday at 9 for meditations and 9:30 am on Zoom, Facebook, or Youtube.

During the week, we look forward to your presence during Morning Meditations at Metropolitan at 7 am Monday through Friday, at our Men's prayer call Monday at 7:30 am, for Social Justice Summer on Monday at 6:30 pm.

Just a reminder: Both Noonday and Pastor’s Study on Wednesdays are still on hiatus during the month of August.

Please join us Monday-Friday from 7-7:15 am for “Meditations with Metropolitan.” To sign up to offer a meditation or to share your prayer requests, email the Morning Meditations team at You can join via phone by dialing: 1-929-205-6099, 97875446720#.

Join us every Monday Morning from 7:30 am – 7:45 am for the Men's Prayer call. You can join the men's prayer call via Zoom:

The Meeting ID is 780 4501 0050 and the passcode is: urst5J

Join us for our last week of intergenerational reflection, practice, history, and social justice action in our Social Justice Summer series. All ages are welcome.

Password: SJS


We look forward to worshipping together on Sunday.

Meditations begin at 9 am; Worship begins at 9:30 am

Join via Computer or Tablet:

Join via Phone 1-929-205-6099, 975804722

Watch Live on Facebook and YouTube


Looking for replays of our worship services? You can find replays of Worship on our website and YouTube channel.


The series concludes Monday, August 16 at 6:30 pm.

We will be talking about healing and access to holistic healthcare.

Join us for our last week of intergenerational reflection, practice, history, and social justice action. All ages are welcome.

Password: SJS


We hope you will join us for the Faith and Film series kickoff with the Youth and Families ministry on Monday, August 23 at 6:30 pm. We’ll be watching and discussing Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe.

password: YAF


Many of you have asked for information on how you can join the fight to end gun violence. Sis. Ryane Nickens has shared information on local organizations that are working to end gun violence in the District of Columbia.


The True Reasons I Grabbed the Gun Evolved from Risks (T.R.I.G.G.E.R) Project aims to denormalize and destigmatize gun violence in communities of color across the nation. We focus on changing the norm and narrative of gun violence in communities of color by authentically telling the untold stories of everyday gun violence users to all walks of life. Our intent is to build awareness and compassion for people who feel invisible without a gun. Both our nation and our community have accepted gun violence in communities of color as the standard way of life, yet, through understanding the everyday shooter's reality we can greatly reduce the number of homicides in the most affected population in the world.

Peace Walks DC

Rev. Delonte Gholston

Community Shoulders

Jay Brown, Executive Director

Project Transformation

Our mission is to transform communities by engaging children, college-age young adults, and churches in purposeful relationships.

Guns Down Fridays

Guns Down Friday creatively provides resources to Communities affected by Youth Homicide, Suicide and Mental Health Illnesses. Back in 2018, Youth Deaths were occurring every week. Stormiyah Jackson, Jayln Wheeler, Tyshon Perry, just to name a few. Miss Hardy and her daughter attended Funerals, Vigils, and Community Meetings faithfully. They also spent a lot of time with the parents, siblings, and Communities affected by Violence. With the outpouring of Support, Miss Hardy decided to take Guns Down Friday serious. Guns Down Friday has supported hundreds of families in time of need.


The WIRE (Women Involved in Reentry Efforts) is a network of formerly incarcerated women who have successfully reintegrated back into the community after release. The Women of the WIRE have joined together to provide peer support to other women returning from incarceration.

Serve Your City DC

Whether it's our after-school enrichment and tutoring programs, or life-saving work with Ward 6 Mutual Aid, our mission remains the same: provide Black and Brown youth and families the same resources and opportunities that others in DC already have. Today and into the future.

Momma Safe Haven

Momma’s Safe Haven provides a bridge of support for people affected by trauma. We provide safe spaces to heal and support to our community. Through counseling, nutrition, education, and unlimited love. We strive to help our people become whole and to take control of their own successful futures.

The Future Foundation

The Future Foundation (T.F.F.) exists to empower these youth to proactively address the trauma themselves, their families, and communities experience. Our trauma-informed curriculum trains them to navigate and dismantle the oppressive systems that have been structured for economic and educational disparities to exist and thrive. Our programs provide youth and their families access to the language that describes the struggles they are facing. As well as family wellness practices to begin individual and collective healing. Ultimately, the organizing skills they learn give them agency over how they advocate and address social justice (or lack thereof) on the front-lines for themselves and their communities.

The National Association for the Advancement of Returning Citizens (NAARC)

Vision: NAARC’s vision, through our nonprofit association and coalition building, is to affect the reintegration process in a unique way that empowers returning citizens. The overarching goal is to ensure that returning citizens have a real chance at becoming self-sufficient via collaborative community-based programs/services, political advocacy, community relations/organizing, and economic empowerment.

The TraRon Center

Email for more information:

Our Mission is to expose gun violence survivors to therapeutic modalities that may be absent from their current grieving and coping methods. With a focus on the inclusion of creative arts, we will equip survivors with strategies to healthfully endure the complexities of loss- while promoting community health and solidarity.

The Creative School

Former Queens & Kings of The Creative School will lead a global network of youth & elders towards higher levels of personal & communal well-being.


We launched our new website. Make sure to take a look at the new homepage at


The updated online giving feature has gone live! You will see that there is a new look and feel. See the new screen below. You do not need to log in to give. Those that have been giving via ACS please use the same email address that you used to give via ACS. If you have any questions, please email

You can also bookmark this page for online giving:


The YPD is seeking out scripture readers for Sunday morning worship services for the months of August through September. Please sign up at the link below and or contact Sis. Karla Bruce-Choice at


Learn To Code And Change The World... Girls Who Code will begin meeting on September 11 at 11 am via zoom.

To sign up, please email Sis. Cristol Primas at


Calling all men! The Men's Prayer Call is a sacred space where brothers can share and explore their relationship with God in Christ Jesus. All brothers are encouraged to join. The call will be every Monday Morning at 7:30 am – 7:45 am on Zoom.

Meeting ID: 780 4501 0050

Passcode: urst5J


FEMA will be reimbursing funeral expenses incurred after January 20, 2020, to families of coronavirus victims. For more information go to:


Your giving is a wonderful expression of God’s generosity.

As you know, there are several ways to give: via check mailed to Metropolitan AME Church, via credit card on the website via Realm, and via text, PayPal or Cash App.

To text to give, text "metro1518" to 73256; find us on PayPal; our Cash App handle is $MetropolitanAME.


Please pray for those experiencing grief and for health, strength, and healing all of those in need. In particular, pray for Donald Craig in the passing of his cousin Gwen Moore as well as pray for his wife in the passing of her cousin Art Harris, Dr. Mercedes Dixon in the passing of two family members, Sis. Barbara Ealey and family in the passing of Bro. James Ealey, Dr. Flavia Walton in the passing of her sister in law Frankie Walton-White, J.D., Ph.D.,

We also ask for your continued prayers for Bro. Tilman Gerald, Sis. Ruby McZier, Amb. Shirley Barnes, Bro. Lloyd Fennell Jr., Dr. Wilma Harvey, Bro. Garland Dixon Sr., (husband of Dr. Freddie Dixon), Deaconess Beverly Lee, Sis. Rosemarie Elliott, Sis. Janice Ferebee, Bro. Lacey Flagg, Dr. Mercedes Dickson, Rev. Aisha Karimah, Sis. Ruby Joyce, Dr. Charles Curry, Deaconess Mary Burroughs, Deaconess Jeanette Spicer, and Mother Ethel Delaney Lee.


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