Christmas is almost upon us! Stay connected and safe as we continue to anticipate the coming Lord.
The MCAM presentation's presentation of "Messiah Comes" will replace service on December 19 at 9:15 am on the church's YouTube channel and on our Facebook page
Also, we look forward to connecting with you during Morning Meditations at Metropolitan at 7 am Monday through Friday, for our Men's prayer call at 7:30 am.
Both Noonday and Pastor's Study are canceled on December 22 and December 29. Both will resume on January 5th, 2022.

We look forward to worshipping together this Sunday, December 19 at 9:15 am.
The MCAM presentation's presentation of "Messiah Comes" will replace Sunday's worship service at 9:15 am on the church's Facebook page and YouTube channel only! Worship will not be held on Zoom.
Looking for replays of our worship services? You can find replays of Worship on our website and on our YouTube channel.

Noonday and Pastor's Study resumes in the new year on January 5th, 2022.

The Married Couples Ministry invites all couples to their annual Christmas Party on December 18, 2021, from 5:30-6:30 pm.
A voluntary $20 donation for a community charity is requested. Please contact Sis. Celeste Bryant with any questions at bryantcm12@gmail.com
To join the party go to https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83945600717?pwd=MGxMby9jYWZqbjF2ZzA1YjBWVldNZz09m

Join us Sunday, December 19 at 9:15 am for the Metropolitan AME Church Music & Creative Arts Ministry (MCAM) and Bethel 21 presentation of "The Messiah Comes."
Please note that this Christmas presentation will serve as our worship service on Sunday.
Please note: "The Messiah Comes" can be viewed only on YouTube and Facebook, not on Zoom. Be sure to tune in at 9:15 am for this one-day-only presentation featuring Cyrus Chestnut, Edmund Charles, the United Voices of Metropolitan AME Church, and many others.
Join us on YouTube: https://youtube.com/metropolitaname
Join us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MetropolitanAMEC

The Church School Christmas program will be held this Sunday, December 19th at 11 am.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 977 2814 0415
Passcode: 842798
Dial in +13017158592,,97728140415#,,,,*842798# US

It is now Open Season for the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) Please consider supporting the Daniel Alexander Payne Community Development Corporation (CDC) this year by promoting to your colleagues, friends, and family who are Federal employees. The CDC’s number is # 90648.
Find out more about the CDC on their website: http://www.dapcdc.org.

The YPD is seeking scripture readers for Sunday morning worship services for December. Please sign up at the link below and/or contact Sis. Karla Bruce-Choice with your questions at karlabruce@hotmail.com.

The Men's Prayer Call is a sacred space where brothers can share and explore their relationship with God in Christ Jesus. All brothers are encouraged to join. The call will be every Monday Morning at 7:30 am – 7:45 am on Zoom.
Meeting ID: 767 5679 7276
Passcode: y28Ma2
FEMA will be reimbursing funeral expenses incurred after January 20, 2020, to families of coronavirus victims. For more information go to: https://www.fema.gov/disasters/coronavirus/economic/funeral-assistance

Your giving is a wonderful expression of God’s generosity.
As you know, there are several ways to give: via check mailed to Metropolitan AME Church, via credit card on the website via Realm, and via text, PayPal or Cash App.
To text to give, text "metro1518" to 73256; find us on PayPal; our Cash App handle is $MetropolitanAME.

Please pray for those experiencing grief and for health, strength, and healing all of those in need.
We also ask for your continued prayers for Sis. Carmen Davis, Sis. Angela Welch, Bro. Tilman Gerald, Sis. Ruby McZier, Amb. Shirley Barnes, Bro. Lloyd Fennell Jr., Dr. Wilma Harvey, Bro. Garland Dixon Sr., (husband of Dr. Freddie Dixon), Deaconess Beverly Lee, Sis. Rosemarie Elliott, Sis. Janice Ferebee, Bro. Lacey Flagg, Dr. Mercedes Dickson, Rev. Aisha Karimah, Dr. Charles Curry, Deaconess Mary Burroughs, Deaconess Jeanette Spicer, and Mother Ethel Delaney Lee.