Greetings! May God’s love embrace you as we continue to worship, liberate and serve.
Please join us Monday-Friday from 7-7:15 am for “Meditations with Metropolitan.” To sign up to offer a meditation or to share your prayer requests, email the Morning Meditations team at You can join via phone by dialing: 1-929-205-6099, 97875446720#
Both Noonday and Pastor’s Study on Wednesdays will be on hiatus during the months of June, July, and August. However, we invite you to join us on June 30, July 7, and July 14 at noon for summer listening series on Howard Washington Thurman. Rev. Dr. Shively Smith will guide us through discussions on lectures, prayers, meditations, and writings by Dr. Thurman after we listen to them together.
**Communion elements will be available for pick up Saturday, July 3rd from 11 am to 12 pm at the church. Please wear your mask.**
Lastly, there will be a Church Conference on July 4th at 12:15 pm. Zoom link information to come. Please mark your calendars.
Meditations begin at 9 am; Worship is Sundays at 9:30 am
Join via Computer or Tablet:
Join via Phone 1-929-205-6099, 975804722
We celebrate the Sarah Allen Missionary Society’s election of officers for 2021-2022!
We are excited to celebrate with Richard and Shelley Corley & family in the birth of their first grandson.
We welcome Kingston Amir Samuel!
The Potomac District Youth Explosion will be tonight, June 25 at 7 pm, and tomorrow, June 26 at 12 pm.
It’s Time... #bethechange The 2021 Potomac District Youth Explosion will be a virtual experience. Tonight at 7 pm be inspired by young people, celebrate contest winners, highlight service projects, and explore the theme. Tomorrow, June 26th at 12 pm dig further into the theme, and participate in a Justice Panel Discussion at 12 pm (exploring avenues for dealing with injustice); workshops for all ages will follow at 1 pm and a Closing Session at 2 pm. Register now on Eventbrite. Link to Youth Explosion Registration
Calling all men! The Men's Prayer Call will be a sacred space where brothers can share and explore their relationship with God in Christ Jesus. All brothers are encouraged to come to the group as they are. The call will be every Monday Morning at 7:30 am – 7:45 am on Zoom.
Meeting ID: 780 4501 0050
Passcode: urst5J
Metropolitan AME Church's Youth and Families Ministry presents...
The Youth and Family Ministry invites you to our Intergenerational Virtual Talent Show on Monday, June 28th at 6:30 pm. We are looking for local talent of ALL ages that would like to offer a gift of poetry, dance, mime, or song. To sign up, please send an email to
The YPD is seeking out scripture readers for Sunday morning worship services for the months of June through September. Please sign up at the link below and/or contact Sis. Karla Bruce-Choice.
Metropolitan A.M.E. Church will host a Virtual Vacation Bible School the week of July 26-30, 2021 from 7 pm - 8 pm each night. The theme for this year's VBS is "I've Got This" with Jesus. VBS will have classes for ages 3-100+. Sessions will include Bible stories, games, movement, Black History, music, arts and crafts.
Come join us for a week of family fun, fellowship, and learning. We want to see you there. Register as soon as possible. Spaces are limited.
The deadline to register is July 9.
FEMA will be reimbursing funeral expenses incurred after January 20, 2020, to families of coronavirus victims. For more information go to:
Please pray for those experiencing grief and for health, strength, and healing all of those in need. In particular, we lift Julianne Malveaux in the passing of her mother Proteone Marie Alexandria Malveaux.
We also ask for your continued prayers for Dr. Dothard Butler, Sis. Ruby McZier, Amb. Shirley Barnes, Bro. Lloyd Fennell Jr., Dr. Wilma Harvey, Bro. Garland Dixon Sr., (husband of Dr. Freddie Dixon), Deaconess Beverly Lee, Sis. Rosemarie Elliott, Sis. Janice Ferebee, Bro. Lacey Flagg, Dr. Mercedes Dickson, Rev. Aisha Karimah, Sis. Ruby Joyce, Dr. Charles Curry, Deaconess Mary Burroughs, Deaconess Jeanette Spicer, and Mother Ethel Delaney Lee.