Thank you for your commitment to worship, liberation, and service.
Worship to celebrate Donor Sabbath and Veterans Day begins tomorrow at 10 am and is live streamed on Facebook and YouTube.
Immediately following worship service, pick up information at the back of the sanctuary to learn more about or join the Lorraine Gillian Health Commission’s DC, MD or VA donor registry. Dr. Andre Johnson, Benjamin W. Rawlins, Jr. Professor of Rhetoric and Media Studies at the University of Memphis, will be in Pruitt signing copies of No Future in This Country and The Speeches of Bishop Henry McNeal Turner to have them signed!
During this week, we encourage your presence in Church school on Sundays at 8:30am, Morning Meditations with Metropolitan at 7 am Monday through Friday, the Men's Prayer Call at 7:30 am on Monday, and Noonday and Pastor's Study at noon and 7pm.
Engage with us in the coming weeks - GriefShare starts on November 16th on Zoom, The Food Bank with SAMS returns on November 18, all announcements for December are due by November 19, and SAMs will be hosting a turkey giveaway on November 21, And don't forget to support The Messiah Comes by November 27 to be included in the digital souvenir booklet.
Grace and peace to you and yours.
Need to join via phone? You can dial in for an audio-only livestream at 1-929-205-6099, 975804722.
Please subscribe to our YouTube Channel and you'll be notified every time we are live. You can subscribe here: https://www.youtube.com/metropolitaname.
Happy Donor Sunday! Immediately following worship service, pick up information at the back of the sanctuary to learn more about or join the Lorraine Gillian Health Commission’s DC, MD or VA donor registry.

Enlightening the past, engaging the present and envisioning the future! The Ethel P. Hall Club will celebrate 101 years on November 26th, 2023. Please join us for a service that celebrates those that take care of the needs of the church.

Please join us this week, Monday-Friday, from 7 am-7:15 am for “Meditations with Metropolitan.” To sign up to offer a meditation or share your prayer requests, email the Morning Meditations team at prayer.metro1518@gmail.com.

The Men's Prayer Call is a sacred space where brothers can share and explore their relationship with God in Christ Jesus. All brothers are encouraged to join. The call will be every Monday Morning from 7:30 am – 7:45 am on Zoom.
Meeting ID: 767 5679 7276
Passcode: y28Ma2

Train up your child in the way they should go and when they are old they will not depart from it. Church School meets each Sunday morning at 8:30 am, and concludes at 10am in Douglass Hall. There are classes available for EVERYONE! We will be excited to see you in attendance!

Noonday and Pastor's Study continues at noon and 7pm. We continue to read Dr. Judy Fentress-Williams' Holy Imagination: A Literary and Theological Introduction to the Whole Bible. We invite you to join us as we contemplate the scripture and its implications as we engage in the world. Join us on Zoom & YouTube.

The new session of Girls Who Code continues this week, fostering sisterhood through coding programs such as HTML, Python, Javascript, and more! Meetings are Saturdays from 11am to 12pm via zoom. Contact cprimas@msn.com to sign up for the Fall 2023 session.

Have something to share with the congregation? Please send ALL announcement information to announcements@metropolitanamec.org. Blurbs should be no longer than 75 words. Announcements for the month of December must have been submitted by November 19th, 2023.

Metropolitan’s Music and Creative Arts Ministry is looking to add your voice to the choir! Please email me, Brittany Chanell Johnson, at Brittany.johnson@metropolitanamec.org for more information. There are options available for all ages. We also welcome you to join us for the Advent Season and Concert.
Find me after church or send me an email. COME, let’s make a joyful sound unto the Lord!
The WIN BETH team have partnered with the Economic Policy Institute and the Jain Family Institute on a report to document barriers to Black homeownership in DC including Student debt, poor debt to income ratio and their combined negative impact on credit scores.
One of the more startling data the report reveals is that the average college debt held by a black graduate or (non) graduate of college in DC is $50,000!
The WIN BETH team has been working diligently on strategies to address this including a program called SMARTBUY in which student debt forgiveness is built into 1st time mortgages.
We'll be celebrating and promoting this report widely and look for your support in building the people power Metropolitan's BETH team needs to influence change.
We need your power through your presence to make change happen!
Click here to access the study. Please share the link widely! Tweet it, Instagram it, Facebook it, and share it widely with DC residents and voters!

Save the Date: Sunday, December 3, 2023, at 5 pm as we continue our tradition of storytelling through music, dance, and spoken word in our presentation of The Messiah Comes.
The United Voices of Metropolitan will share the rich stories and traditions of our global church community accompanied by a string quintet, our great organ, and our own MET Live Band. This year we will welcome back sopranos Angeli Ferrette and Victoria Purcell Coan. Our featured artists will be The Ellington Carthan Trio, headliner at Blues Alley and led by Strathmore Artist-in-Residence alumnus, Ellington Carthan.
The Messiah Comes tells the Christ’s coming and will feature works from Handel’s Messiah and Quincy Jones’ Handel's Messiah: A Soulful Celebration. This concert will guide us on a journey of spirituals, anthems, gospel, and soul music. We will share the story of great anticipation and faith through the canon of music specific to the Black church tradition.
This year we will offer a digital program and souvenir booklet. This keepsake will be sent via email to all contributors. To feature your business or to offer a congratulatory ad, please send your ad to brittany.johnson@metropolitanamec.org.
We appreciate every gift. There are several opportunities to support our efforts through tax-deductible donations using CashApp: $MetropolitanAME, Realm through the church website, check, or money order. Please make your check or money order payable to Metropolitan AME Church and list THE MESSIAH COMES on the memo line.
If you are mailing your donation, send to the attention of:
Metropolitan AME Church
Attn: Brittany Johnson, Director, Music & Creative Arts Ministry
1518 M Street NW
Washington, DC 20005
All donations and ad information should be received by November 27, 2023 to be acknowledged in the digital booklet.

The GriefShare support group is a safe, welcoming place where people understand the difficult emotions of grief. At this 13-week group, you'll receive valuable guidance and tips, leading you to relief, comfort, and peace of mind. Meetings will be held Thursdays on zoom, starting November 16th through February 9th from 6:30 to 8:30pm.

The Sarah Allen Missionary Society Food Bank of the Metropolitan AME Church is excited to announce that in-person food bank operations will be held on Saturday, November 18th from 9 am to 3 pm. Please see the flyer with a link to sign up for volunteer opportunities with the SAMS Food Bank. For more information, please contact Sister Virginia Boateng at vab-59@hotmail.com.

Additionally, The Sarah Allen Missionary Society (SAMS) has received a generous donation of turkeys for the Thanksgiving holiday. The turkeys will be allocated on a first come, first serve basis and will be available for pickup from Metropolitan A.M.E. Church 1518 M Street, Washington, D.C. on Tuesday, November 21, 2022 - 10:00 am to noon.

Register for the Community STEM Extravaganza
The Payne CDC is sponsoring a Science Fair for youth ages 7 to 13 on November 11th to be held in partnership with Metropolitan AMEC and Howard University from 1030am to 2:30pm. Free lunch will be served. Most of the facilitators at the interactive and fun stations will be college students from Howard University Karsh STEM program! We hope to have Metropolitan's own Girls Who Code and Boys and Girls Clubs of Washington also offer an activity.
Advance Registration is required. You can register using the QR code in the flyer.

Veterans Day at the World War II Memorial
The Friends of the National World War II Memorial invites you to celebrate Veterans Day at the World War II Memorial in Washington, DC on Saturday, November 11 at 9 a.m. ET. Please join us in paying tribute to the more than 16 million men and women who served with the U.S. Armed Forces during World War II. As part of the commemoration, WWII veterans will place wreaths at the Memorial's Freedom Wall to remember their fallen brothers and sisters.

Dr. Andre Johnson, Benjamin W. Rawlins, Jr. Professor of Rhetoric and Media Studies at the University of Memphis, will be in Pruitt after worship this Sunday. Bring or purchase your copies of No Future in This Country and The Speeches of Bishop Henry McNeal Turner to have them signed

...we are answering God’s call for the present age. We are planning to provide housing for unhoused veterans. We fight ecological apartheid and climate injustice by organizing people around the nation to ensure that Black, brown, and poor communities are not doomed to be stifling heat islands... We fight the displacement of Black people in the District of Columbia. We stand up against legislation that would further criminalize Black youth in our city.
-Pastor William H. Lamar IV

We're grateful for your generosity.
There are several ways to give:
via check mailed to Metropolitan AME Church, 1518 M Street NW, Washington, DC. 20005;
via Credit card: on our website and via Realm;
via Text: To text to give, text “metro1518” to 73256;
via Cash App: $MetropolitanAME

“Truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”
Let us continue to lift each other in prayer - please pray for those experiencing grief or in need of health, strength, and healing.