Grace and peace in this season after Pentecost.
During the weekend, we invite you to join us in worship in the sanctuary or online tomorrow, Sunday, September 17. Service for the Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost and Christian Education Sunday begins at 10 am and is live streamed on Facebook and YouTube.
During the week, we encourage your presence in Church school on Sundays at 8:30am, Morning Meditations with Metropolitan at 7 am Monday through Friday, the Men's Prayer Call at 7:30 am on Monday, and Noonday and Pastor's Study will return on September 6 at noon and 7pm.
Engage with us in worship and ministry this week and next - Girl Scout kickoff meeting after service on Sept 17. On Saturday, September 23, there are several ways to engage in service and ministry with us; signup to volunteer with the Food Bank with SAMS, join in the fight against diabetes by signing up for the Step Out Walk to Stop Diabetes, and Girls Who Code is back in session.

Need to join via phone? You can dial in for an audio-only livestream at 1-929-205-6099, 975804722.
Please subscribe to our YouTube Channel and you'll be notified every time we are live. You can subscribe here: https://www.youtube.com/metropolitaname.

Did you know that September is Christian Education Month in the African Methodist Episcopal Church? Metropolitan AME will commemorate Christian Education tomorrow, Sunday on September 17 at 10 am. Metropolitan’s Minister to Young Adults, Rev. Evan Taylor will be the speaker for Christian Education Sunday.
Today we are also celebrating the Inaugural RAYAC Sunday, dedicated to the work of the the Richard Allen Young Adult Council, a connectional Christian Education ministry within the AME Church seeks to engage persons 18-45. For more information and engagement opportunities email RAYACatmetropolitaname@gmail.com to join the communication listserv!

Potomac District and Washington Conference Y.P.D presents: Back to School Blessing, September 16 at 11am! Join us at Greater Mount Nebo AME Church for games, school supplies, food, and more! Scan the QR code on the flyer to register.

Are you a girl interested in making friends, building confidence, and making the world a better place?
Are you an adult willing to supervise, guide, and be a role model? Then come to Douglass Hall on September 17, immediately following worship for the Girl Scouts kickoff meeting. Girl Scouts can't happen without volunteers! Please contact Eugenia Jacobs at eugeniatjacobs@gmail.com for more information.

Please join us this week, Monday-Friday, from 7 am-7:15 am for “Meditations with Metropolitan.” To sign up to offer a meditation or share your prayer requests, email the Morning Meditations team at prayer.metro1518@gmail.com.

The Men's Prayer Call is a sacred space where brothers can share and explore their relationship with God in Christ Jesus. All brothers are encouraged to join. The call will be every Monday Morning from 7:30 am – 7:45 am on Zoom.
Meeting ID: 767 5679 7276
Passcode: y28Ma2

Train up your child in the way they should go and when they are old they will not depart from it. Church School meets each Sunday morning at 8:30 am, and concludes at 10am in Douglass Hall. There are classes available for EVERYONE! We will be excited to see you in attendance!

Noonday and Pastor's Study continues at noon and 7pm on September 13. We continue to read Dr. Judy Fentress-Williams' Holy Imagination: A Literary and Theological Introduction to the Whole Bible. We invite you to join us as we contemplate the scripture and its implications as we engage in the world. Join us on Zoom & YouTube.

You’re Invited to join us in the work of supporting and assisting those who are incarcerated and returning citizens at The Sun Can Shine: A Call to Assist Those Who Are or Were Incarcerated on September 20 at 6:30 pm EDT at New York Avenue Presbyterian Church or via webinar. The event is an evening with Best selling author Anthony Ray Hinton of the Equal Justice Initiative. Hinton spent 30 years on death row in Alabama for a crime he did not commit before he was finally freed in 2015 through the efforts of Bryan Stevenson and the Equal Justice Initiative. Hear about his experiences and learn ways that individuals
and congregations can assist those who are currently or formerly incarcerated. Organizations assisting this program include: Returning Citizens Assistance Network, Free Minds Book Club, Voices for a Second Chance, Offender Aid and Restoration, Welcome Home Program of Catholic Charities and DC Books to Prisons. You can register to attend on Eventbrite.
Register to attend in person: https://HintonSeptember20.eventbrite.com or
Register to attend via webinar: https://HintonSeptember20webinar.eventbrite.com

You're invited to join our own trailblazer Dorothy Gilliam at the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation's Annual Legislative Conference event, Why Americans Deserve Reparative Justice.
The event is Thursday, September 21 at 11 am in Room 146 A of the Walter E. Washington Convention Center. Contact Loraine Odom for more information at 202.281.6913.

You’re Invited!
Dr. Ron Daniels, President of the Institute of the Black World 21st Century and Convener of the Pan African Unity Dialogue invites you meet Bobi Wine, the next President of Uganda for a screening and Panel Discussion of National Geographic’s documentary film: Bobi Wine, The People’s President, The Man, The Music, the Movement.
This event is free and open to the public
Thursday, September 21st
7:00 PM, Sharp (Doors Open at 6:30 PM)
The Historic Metropolitan AME Church
1518 M. Street, NW in Washington, D.C.
Panelists include: Mel Foote, President/CEO, Constituency for Africa; Dr. Julianne Malveaux, Political Economist, Author, Educator, Commentor; Kim Poole, Founder, Teaching Artist Institute; and Milton Allimadi, Editor/Publisher, The Black Star News.
Free and Open to the Public

Girls Who Code returns to Metropolitan September 23rd, fostering sisterhood through coding programs such as HTML, Python, Javascript, and more! Meetings are Saturdays from 11am to 12pm via zoom. Contact cprimas@msn.com to sign up for the Fall 2023 session.
College Connection Ministry Resumes
After interruption due to the pandemic, the College Connection Ministry is seeking the names of Metropolitan AME Church students who are currently pursuing an undergraduate degree or who are enrolled in a certificate-granting post-secondary program. The student or family must be a member of Metropolitan with participation in church or church school activities within the past year. During the fall semester, the student will receive communication and a gift from the Ministry. No later than October 13, 2023, please send your student’s name, mailing address, and e-mail address to: colconnminmet@gmail.com.
Thank you - Dianne G. Black and Marsha Turner Botts

The Sarah Allen Missionary Society Food Bank of the Metropolitan AME Church is excited to announce that in-person food bank operations, will resume on Saturday, September 23 from 9 am to 3 pm. Free Parking will be available on Saturday, September 23rd at the NEA Parking Garage for Food Bank Volunteers beginning at 8:00 am. For more information, please contact Sister Virginia Boateng

Please join us on September 23rd for the Step Out Walk to Stop Diabetes as we “Build Wellness Together.” Nearly 133 million people in the U.S. have Diabetes or prediabetes, and 283,000 under the age of 20 are estimated to have been diagnosed with Diabetes. The American Diabetes Association (A.D.A) is “stepping out” at the National Mall! The A.D.A believes in focusing on one goal at a time, and setting “S.M.A.R.T” goals for your health. It is not one giant step that changes your health. It is lots of little steps, and the A.D.A. wants to be part of that journey. Come walk with us, and let's start the journey together! Registration opens at 9:00 a.m.

Save the Date for Metropolitan Speaks: an author symposium featuring Metropolitan writers hosted by Metropolitan's Sons and Daughters of Allen. The event will take place in Douglass Hall on October 7 from 2-4pm. Come join us for this free event. You will have an opportunity to meet the authors, hear excerpts from their work, and enjoy a meet-and-greet reception with refreshments.
Veterans Day at the World War II Memorial
Save the Date: The Friends of the National World War II Memorial invites you to celebrate Veterans Day at the World War II Memorial in Washington, DC on Saturday, November 11 at 9 a.m. ET. Please join us in paying tribute to the more than 16 million men and women who served with the U.S. Armed Forces during World War II. As part of the commemoration, WWII veterans will place wreaths at the Memorial's Freedom Wall to remember their fallen brothers and sisters.

...we are answering God’s call for the present age. We are planning to provide housing for unhoused veterans. We fight ecological apartheid and climate injustice by organizing people around the nation to ensure that Black, brown, and poor communities are not doomed to be stifling heat islands... We fight the displacement of Black people in the District of Columbia. We stand up against legislation that would further criminalize Black youth in our city.
-Pastor William H. Lamar IV

We're grateful for your generosity.
There are several ways to give:
via check mailed to Metropolitan AME Church, 1518 M Street NW, Washington, DC. 20005;
via Credit card: on our website and via Realm;
via Text: To text to give, text “metro1518” to 73256;
via Cash App: $MetropolitanAME

“Truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”
Let us continue to lift each other in prayer - please pray for those experiencing grief or in need of health, strength, and healing.