Greetings Metropolitan family and friends,
It is a joy to connect with you again, and I appreciate the ways you support this ministry and ways you worship, liberate, and serve each week.
Noonday and Pastor's Study continue on Wednesday, Sept. 30. We look forward to seeing you as we engage in Proverbs and Romans. If you have not joined us before, join us this week. We have a wonderful, meaningful time together. You'll be grateful for the fellowship and learning.
Saturday Oct. 3rd will be a special edition of Café Met where Cleo Scott Brown, author of "Witness to the Truth" and our own Dr. Elsie Scott will discuss the impact of their father’s relentless pursuit for voting rights in Louisiana. We want all generations to be a part of this important discussion
Weekday "Meditations with Metropolitan" continue this week from 7-7:15 am Monday through Friday. If you would like to offer a meditation or have prayer requests, email the Morning Meditations Team at If you miss a mediation or have not ever joined the calls, they are available on our YouTube page
for your convenience.
We continue to be grateful for your generosity. As you know, there are three ways to give: via check mailed to Metropolitan AME Church, via credit card on the website, and via text or Cash App. To text to give, text "metro1518" to 73256; our Cash App handle is $MetropolitanAME.
Please be in prayer for all who have experienced loss recently and those who continue to experience grief. In particular, we lift up Sister Laverne Goldman in the passing of her cousin Thomas 'Tommie' C. Taylor.
Please continue to pray for health, strength, and healing for Sister Priscilla Ryder, Sister Ruby Joyce, Dr. Charles Curry, Deaconess Mary Burroughs, Deaconess Jeanette Spicer, and Mother Ethel Delaney Lee.
Your faithfulness continues to be a testament to our joy and resilience in these challenging times. We hope you will stay connected with us--daily for morning meditation, on Wednesdays for study, on Saturdays for Cafe MET, and on Sundays for worship.
Grace and Peace,
Bill Lamar
Phone Information for Morning Meditations with Metropolitan (Monday - Friday)
1-929-205-6099, 978 7544 6720#
Metropolitan's YouTube Page
Stay connected with us via our social media channels.
Facebook | @MetropolitanAMEC
Twitter | @MetropolitanAME
Instagram | @metropolitanamec
