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We're Open for Worship

You Are Welcome to Join Us 

We are finally returning to In-person worship after over two years away.

Things are different. We have lost members whose legacy lives on.

Yet, we serve a God who still cares about us.

This webpage has been created to prepare our members for our return.

Thank you for following the guidance of our volunteers as we attempt to maintain a safe worship environment.


If you are not ready for In-person worship, our live stream will still be available on Facebook Live and YouTube every Sunday.

  • Facebook - White Circle
  • YouTube
Woman with Mask


  • Masks are mandatory while In the building

  • Proof of vaccination is to be presented upon entry with ID; temperature checks

  • All visitors must be fully vaccinated to enter building; recommend booster shot(s)

  • Social distancing is observed

  • Assistance will be available for seniors and others without internet access to register

  • Sextons will be present on Sundays to clean hard surface areas

  • Pre-registration will occur the week before each service. Wellness check questions will be included in registration

  • Hand sanitizing stations will be located throughout the building

  • If you feel sick -  please stay home


  • Registration is no longer required for Sunday worship

  • Attendance, vaccination card and picture ID, and temp checks at the door

  • Those with temps > 100.4 will not be permitted to enter the building

  • Those without proper proof of vaccination status will not be permitted to enter the building


  • Parking at NEA garage starting at 8:45 am

  • One station will be at the door to the elevator for those with mobility issues.

  • Weather permitting check-in will be done before entry Into the building

  • Health Commission members will: Check temperatures, Check vaccination cards and ID, Ask symptom questions, and ensure staggered entry for distancing


Awareness of the Space

  • Worship begins at 9:30am

  • There are cameras throughout the sanctuary

  • We are aiming to ensure a quality worship experience for both those In the sanctuary and online

  • Please do not gather In the back of the sanctuary and In the vestibule after service

Areas of access In the building will be limited:

  • Designated doors and stairwells for entry and exit

  • No lingering In the vestibule

  • Sub-basement off-limits except for MCAM and staff

  • 2 people In 1st-floor bathrooms at a time


Worship Flow

  • Seating will be on every other pew during worship

  • There will be minimal movement during service

  • Offering will be collected before and after service - Digital offering is encouraged

  • Communion elements will be distributed upon entry Into sanctuary

  • Ushers will dismiss the congregation by row for social distancing.



  • Please do not gather In the back of sanctuary and In the vestibule after service

  • Please refrain from handshakes and hugs

  • Elbow or fist bumps encouraged


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